E Sadhana wdcw.ap.gov.in login, Andhra Pradesh Angawadi E Sadhana AP Portal

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E Sadhana Wdcw.Ap.Gov.In Login

Women Development and Child Welfare E Sadhna Anganwadi has been started by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Through which a convenient portal has been launched to help improve the lives of the children and women of the state of Andhra Pradesh so that they can get information through the online portal sitting at home. What is E Sadhna, how it works, we will provide complete information about all these through this article.

Andhra Pradesh Anganwadi E Sadhana AP Portal

Andhra Pradesh government E Sadhna is a service launched by to ease the process of accessing health and nutrition for women and children, Women and Child Development Department will provide online facilities to children and women sitting at home, which will save time and work. E Sadhna Portal has been launched specially to provide child facilities to women with disabilities easily.

E Sadhana Women Development

Portal namee Sadhana Portal AP
LaunchedGovernment of Andhra Pradesh
BenefitsWomen And Children
Application ModeOnline
ObjectiveEnsuring The Development And Welfare Of Women And Children
Official Websitewww.wdcw.ap.gov.in

What is the benefit of E Sadhna

Through E-Sadhana portal by Women Development and Child Development Welfare Department, the time of disabled women and children is saved, they can see online information about all the facilities sitting at home. You can take advantage of the facility, all the work can be done online easily through the portal of Sadhna, reporting can be done and can be tracked.

E Sadhna Portal Login

  • To login to E Sadhna Anganwadi Portal, first of all one has to go to the official website
  • New registration button has to be clicked in the dashboard of the website of E Sadhna portal.
  • After clicking on registration you have to read general information
  • Submit by clicking on the registration button
  • Login to E Sadhna Portal
  • You have to login to the Sadhna portal by entering the ID password that you entered in the registration button.
  • Or you can also do it through the app by downloading the mobile app

Anganwadi E Sadhana Login 2024

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E Sadhana wdcw.ap.gov.in login, Andhra Pradesh Angawadi E Sadhana AP Portal

New Update 2023

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