Anganwadi Salary 2025: For Supervisor, Teacher, Worker, Helper Post

Anganwadi Salary 2025: Anganwadi Worker Salary, Anganwadi Karyakarta Ki Salary, Anganwadi Helper Salary, Anganwadi Teacher Salary, Anganwadi Teacher Salary, Anganwadi Sevika Salary, Anganwadi Supervisor Salary, Anganwadi Salary Supervisor, Teacher, Worker, Helper Post

Anganwadi Salary 2025: For Supervisor, Teacher, Worker, Helper Post

All women in Anganwadi centers have only one question how much salary do they get in Anganwadi, how much salary is given to Anganwadi workers per month, how much deduction they get, how much salary is given to Anganwadi workers in a month, we will discuss in detail in this article. Will provide information through the post

Anganwadi Vacancy Salary

Anganwadi Salary is provided differently salary to all on the basis of posts such as Anganwadi Worker Salary, Anganwadi Supervisor Salary, Anganwadi Helper Recruitment Salary, Anganwadi Supervisor Salary, Anganwadi Sevika Salary they all are provided different salary Below you are given detailed information in the table table

Anganwadi Bharti Salary

The salary of Anganwadi workers has been fixed differently in all the states of the state by the Department of Women and Child Development. Employees are given different salaries, the list of salaries of all those states is given below, you can easily check from there. can

Anganwadi All Post Salary List

Anganwadi Supervisor Salary12000-21500
Anganwadi Teacher Salary12000-18000
Anganwadi Worker Salary8000-1200
Anganwadi Mini Worker Salary6000-8000
Anganwadi Helper Salary3000-5700

Anganwadi State Wise Salary List

Anganwadi Salary in Odisha
Anganwadi Salary in Rajasthan
Anganwadi Salary in Uttar Pradesh
Anganwadi Salary in Jharkhand
Anganwadi Salary in Bihar
Anganwadi Salary in Uttarakhand
Anganwadi Salary in Chhattisgarh
Anganwadi Salary in Delhi
Anganwadi Salary in Madhya Pradesh
Anganwadi Salary in Haryana
Anganwadi Salary in Himachal Pradesh
Anganwadi Salary in Maharashtra
Anganwadi Salary in Andhra Pradesh
Anganwadi Salary in Arunachal Pradesh Anganwadi Recruitment 2023
Anganwadi Salary in Kerala
Anganwadi Salary in Punjab 
Anganwadi Salary in Tamil Nadu
Anganwadi Salary in Tripura
Anganwadi Salary in Ladakh
Anganwadi Salary in Lakshadweep
Anganwadi Salary in Karnataka
Anganwadi Salary in Anganwadi Salary in Manipur
Anganwadi Salary in Jammu and Kashmir
Anganwadi Salary in Puducherry
Anganwadi Salary in Telangana Anganwadi Recruitment 2023
Anganwadi Salary in Gujarat
Anganwadi Salary in Goa
Anganwadi Salary in Mizoram
Anganwadi Salary in Daman and Diu Anganwadi Recruitment 2023
Anganwadi Salary in Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Anganwadi Salary in Nagaland
Anganwadi Salary in Chandigarh Anganwadi Recruitment 2023
Anganwadi Salary in Sikkim
Anganwadi Salary in Assam
Anganwadi Salary in West Benga
Anganwadi Salary in Meghalaya
Anganwadi Salary in Andaman and Nicobar

Anganwadi Salary Update

Anganwadi’s salary has been told is an estimated amount, to know in more detail you must read the official notification, the salary will be provided only on the basis of the official notification issued by the Department of Social Security, Women, and Child Development by the government.


Information related to Anganwadi Center Recruitment or if you have some questions about this recruitment or have some problems regarding filling out the form, then you can tell us by commenting On Comment Box, we will try our best to answer your comment and solve your problem by commenting. Will try our best and keep visiting our website for upcoming Anganwadi recruitment information, you will keep getting updates on recruitment.

Anganwadi Salary 2025: For Supervisor, Teacher, Worker, Helper Post 2025
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